
UN dedicates state-of-the-art Haushalter Financial Laboratory



Ohio Northern University’s Dicke College of Business Administration dedicated its newest high-impact learning space – the Haushalter Finance Lab on May 17, 2024. Named in recognition of donors David Haushalter, BSBA ’92, and Nikki (Bennett) Haushalter , BSPh ’92, PharmD In 1997, the laboratory was designed to simulate a trading room.

It features a video wall, 16 computer workstations, solstice pods to allow any user in the room to connect to monitors throughout the space, and two stock tickers – one in the classroom and one outside the lab in the college lobby. The space supports the college financial programits fastest-growing major, and other computer-based classes such as data analysis.

According to Maneesh Shukla, Ph.D., UN assistant professor of finance, the lab has elevated his teaching and classroom experience.

“We are extremely grateful for the Haushalters’ support and their investment in the laboratory,” he said. “Technology allows me to make classes more engaging and exciting. Students can visually experience the reaction of various macroeconomic events to the stock market through the stock ticker, and we can do a series of exercises in the classroom, such as an investment simulation game to make real-time investment decisions.”

The Haushalters met while they were students at Ohio Northern and were married in the University’s English Chapel. Nikki received a B.A. pharmacy in 1992 and PharmD in 1997 from ONU, while David graduated with a degree in accounting in 1992.

“The relationships you develop with ONU faculty last a lifetime,” David said. “That’s one of the things that makes the UN so unique and special.”

“We are so happy to be able to give back and help provide the next generation of students with the education and opportunities we have received,” added Nikki.

Nikki worked as a pharmacist, pharmacy instructor, and full-time mother to the couple’s two children. David is chairman and vice president of sales at Robinson Fin Machines in Kenton, which produces and sells highly engineered products in markets such as aerospace, automotive, medical, energy and industrial. Working with people from around the world, he collaborates on projects ranging from submarines to the space station, to manned missions to the Moon and Mars.


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