
Protests in Kenya live: Part of Parliament on fire after financial bill passed | News



We are in front of the parliament building in the center of Nairobi.

There is the burning remains of a roadblock, and beyond it, protesters scream.

All around us, we can see groups of uniformed police officers, some carrying tear gas weapons – of which many were fired – as well as many plainclothes security operators carrying weapons.

We saw some of them shooting into the crowd.

And not long ago, in the street, just outside parliament, was the body of a young man carrying a Kenyan flag.

He had a bullet hole right in the center of his forehead. His brains were spilled on the sidewalk.

Protesters are now chanting and we have a banner that says, “Enough is enough.”

It is about ostensibly rejecting the Finance law, which aims to increase taxes.

The feeling among protesters is that they can’t accept this from a government that is widely seen as deeply corrupt.


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