The power of fixed income ETFs

Beverly Chandler
Hello, my name is Beverly Chandler and I welcome you to this outing of Off the Record, the podcast about all things ETF brought to you by ETF Express in partnership with asset managers and ETF issuers Harbor Capital Advisors. All views expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ own and we hope suitably controversial. In this outing for the ETF Express podcast, we’re going to focus on fixed income ETFs and I’m joined by Dale Korman, regional investment consultant with Harbor Capital Advisors Inc and Heather DeGarmo, Head of Product Strategy at Blue-Cove. Let’s open with you Dale, and I want you to tell me a little bit about Harbor Capital Advisors Inc and then the firm’s relationship with Blue-Cove.
Dale Korman
Thanks for the opportunity to be here, Beverly. Harbor Capital Advisors has roots dating back over 50 years in extensive manager research. The firm partners with best in class outside money managers across the globe in most of the major asset classes and we wrap those into either mutual funds, or what we’ll be talking about today in active ETFs, in equity and in fixed income. We were really excited to work with Blue-Cove, they were actually our first partner on the active ETF expansion that Harbor has done over the last two and a half years; and they run two active ETFs today for us that we’d be happy to get into. But we’re really excited about the partnership and happy to be here today with Heather.
Beverly Chandler
And Heather, your turn. Can you just tell me a little bit about Blue-Cove.
Heather DeGarmo
Yes, thank you, and I echo Dale’s sentiments, thank you for inviting us today. We think that the growth of the scientific market within fixed income is a real opportunity and if we look at what’s happened in equity markets which were in this space for several decades, it’s fairly nascent in the fixed income space. And we saw today that the necessary ingredients are in place to support a scientific investment approach and it was for us as a firm, we thought a generational opportunity to launch a firm that specialises in scientific fixed income. We think that scientific approaches have been largely unexploited so far but today can present a compelling opportunity for investors, particularly in comparison to more traditionally discretionary active mandates or passive strategies, which I think we’re going to talk a bit more about. Blue-Cove itself was founded in 2018. We’re a specialist active manager with a platform that’s custom built for scientific fixed income investing. Our investment team, even though the firm is relatively new, our investment team is not. We have very seasoned professionals with over two decades of experience in this area and as a firm we offer a range of products to a largely global institutional investor base.
Beverly Chandler
And you described the firm as having this scientific asset management approach. What does that mean in the context of the investment process? And why would someone reallocate to this process?
Heather DeGarmo
Yes, I think it’s first helpful to even talk about the word scientific. When we founded the firm, we went through, lots of discussions internally because there are a lot of words that float around on the Street, is it systematic? Is it quantitative? Is it model based? You know, we prefer scientific and that word is important to us. And the reason is that we view scientific investing as the implementation of an investment process that is evidence based, it’s based on economic intuition, it’s data-driven and it’s fundamentally grounded in the scientific method; which really means that we start with an investment hypothesis, we gather information, we test that hypothesis, we implement it, and then as I like to say, lather, rinse, repeat. See how it’s done, refine and evolve. And from that perspective, you know it is a scientific process and it relies on a very transparent and structured investment approach which really seeks to take advantage of persistent market inefficiencies that again we think are underexploited by most participants. We actually benefit from some of the changes that have occurred like the growth in data, increasing market breadth, credit markets themselves have increased by a factor of four in the last 20 years. We’ve seen trends such as the electronification of trading which have opened new streams of liquidity. Investment grade and high yield bonds, 30 to 40% of those now trade electronically. When I go back to the beginning of my career 30 years ago, it was all pick up the phone and hope for the best. So, there’s a lot that has changed in recent years that we think we can benefit from in terms of running a scientific approach, and I think importantly for investors to your question is what I like to say, why would they care about something like a scientific approach? It’s really two reasons. One, we think it can offer a complementary return stream to their existing fixed income allocation. Sometimes you can say that diversification is the only free lunch, and investing and finding something that complements what you already have can be quite attractive. And it also provides the potential for a more consistent repeatable source of returns or more consistent outcome for investors by nature of the investment process that we run.
Beverly Chandler
And why as a firm do you focus on fixed income only?
Heather DeGarmo
It’s a great question and you know one that again gets to the heart of why Blue-Cove is what Blue-Cove is. When you think about equity markets, they have evolved much faster and for many reasons – so you have one stock versus several bonds. It’s a far less complex, far more homogeneous market, let’s say in comparison to fixed income and fairly mature in that space. So, from a business perspective, we felt that fixed income was the real opportunity for us as a business. But equally to give investors an opportunity of choice within fixed income, which historically has not existed and given the changing landscape that I’ve described in terms of some of the factors that now exist, those necessary ingredients to run a fixed income approach in a scientific way we thought was very compelling. We do think that unlike equity markets, which again are fairly mature in this area, you really need to have market practitioners in place. And if we go back again to this idea of more quantitative, let’s say, strategies that a might spit out a number, you trade, you move on. That could be far more common in a more developed market such as equities. Within fixed income, we really need to have seasoned market practitioners that sit between the research and the output and the execution and so having that human intervention is particularly important and relevant, and we’ve sought to build a very strong talent pool in this area with seasoned professionals that have been in this space for the last two decades. So, it was very much a both from a business perspective in terms of the opportunity, but also for investors, we think it’s a real opportunity now to be looking at scientific strategies within their fixed income allocation.
Beverly Chandler
And you use that term active in describing your approach to investment. So, can you explain that? Is that part of this approach of having seasoned professionals?
Heather DeGarmo
Yes. If we really want to simplify it, there are two ways to invest. One is passive, where you get the benchmark and two is active, where you’re looking to outperform the benchmark. And so really what an active manager like Blue-Cove looks to do is to make forecasts in terms of expected returns and then position the portfolio or the fund accordingly. So, in a in the case of a passive strategy, you’re really getting index replication, risk replication, you’re buying the market. There could be situations where you might have, even though it’s a fairly low-cost solution, you might have positions or risk exposures that might not be desirable let’s say based on the underlying characteristics of the index, you get what you get. In the case of active we are looking to outperform a target benchmark or outperform, I should say a target return and provide what we call a high-quality alpha stream and we do that by making a number of decisions along the way. And so if we take, for example, in a say, a high yield credit mandate, you’re going to get similar levels of risk between an active and a passive strategy. But what might be different in an active approach is you might remove some unwanted risk exposures. You for example, how much sector risk do you want to take, how much market direction risk you want to take, how much interest rate duration risks you want to take and we can remove those risks and instead focus on what we want to take, which is what I like to say trading Company A versus Company B, or Bond A versus Bond B, which we refer to as security selection. We can also bring in important factors that we think, particularly fixed income and again this is a good contrast to equity markets which are things like liquidity risk and transaction costs, which are particularly relevant in fixed income. How often does the bond trade? How expensive is it to trade? How does that trade over time or how does that change over time? And we very much want within our research process to produce realistic and tradeable portfolios because in the end you can have great ideas but if you can’t get them into the portfolio, who cares? And so, a scientific approach from an active perspective really takes all of those elements into account when constructing portfolios. And I think that’s the primary difference between an active and a passive approach.
Beverly Chandler
Thank you for that, that was really interesting. I’m going to ask you both about how this approach works in the context of the ETF that you manage, well you have two ETFs you manage for Harbor Capital Advisors. But let’s start with Harbor Scientific Alpha High Yield ETF, S-I-H-Y? and I don’t know which one of you wants to go first. Tell me a little bit about that and how the Blue-Cove approach works within it? Maybe Dale start?
Dale Korman
Sure, thanks, Beverly. I just wanted to emphasise a few of Heather’s points before I answer that directly. She mentioned the active approach in fixed income. Again, everything that Harbor does, we’re looking to partner with active managers that focus on one key area and are market leaders in that area, and I think Blue-Cove checks that box with flying colours. So, I just wanted to re-emphasize that that is a big part of why we are so excited to partner with Blue-Cove is they’re specialist in scientific fixed income. That is all they do, and they do it well. In terms of how the approach works within the ETF, and we’ll talk about the high yield, the SIHY, S-I-H-Y is the ticker. I’ll point out another great observation that Heather had. In active management sometimes what you do not own may be even more important than what you do own, that act of omission. And to be blunt the high yield benchmark has a lot of, hence the name, low quality paper in it that candidly we believe investors shouldn’t be focused on. So, they’re looking to use their scientific process to focus on the top opportunities. Again, wrapping it into a clean cost-effective tax efficient active ETF at 48 basis points. Heather, what would you add to that in terms of the process?
Heather DeGarmo
Yes, I think that’s a great backdrop and it’s sometimes helpful to answer the question, what are you actually doing in this fund? What are you doing with the money? So as Dale said, we invest across a broad portfolio of high yield bonds. These are liquid U.S. dollar, high yield bonds. The fund is managed against a U.S. dollar high yield benchmark. We are looking to very much isolate security selection risk within this fund. Company A versus Company B and Bond A versus Bond B and that’s security selection. We’re looking to take very limited sector risk, very limited market direction risk, very limited if zero interest rate risk versus the benchmark, so when an investor looks at the return stream, they’re looking to get broadly the risk profile of the market, but an excess return each year. And again consistency in that return is particularly important, what we like to call the quality of returns within the fund.
Beverly Chandler
And then we’re just going to turn to the other product that you managed for Harbor Capital Advisors. This is SIFI. I’m liking these tickers, now I’ve got the names right. This is Harbor Scientific Alpha Income ETF. So maybe again start with Dale and then Dale hand over very smoothly to Heather.
Dale Korman
Sure. Thanks, Beverly. At the risk of repeating myself, everything you know as it relates to the ETF structure, fairly similar as you’d imagine. What SIFI does is it gives Blue-Cove a little more flexibility to go across sectors, it’s not strictly high yield or below investment grade. This is a good cross section of both investment grade and below investment grade, and really works well as kind of a core holding or to tag on to Heather’s comment before, could be a complement to more of a core fixed income type holding. Heather, I’ll let you dig int o more of the details into how SIFI is managed differently than SIHY, but again, structurally fairly similar to SIHY.
Heather DeGarmo
Yes. And to pick up on your point, Beverly, we thought a lot about the tickers too, and we like them too. Once you know how to say them they’re actually quite memorable so we’ll take that as a compliment. With respect to SIFI, S-I-F-I, the goal in the fund is really threefold. One, to provide investors with an attractive income stream. Two, to dynamically manage the fund’s risk based on what we view the current opportunity set to be. And then three to provide investors with an attractive total return and a high-quality return stream. And really what we’re doing looking to do there is preserve capital. And as Dale mentioned, we think that SIFI presents a real kind of staple opportunity, a core foundation allocation for investors within the fixed income market around which they can build their portfolio. Something that’s offering attractive income which we think is particularly relevant in this environment as we think about the central banks considering the beginning of the rate cutting cycle, what do I do with my cash and finding attractive income is particularly important today. What’s in the fund, as Dale alluded to, a diversified portfolio of high yield and investment grade bonds. This fund does sit within and is designed to sit within the Morningstar Multisector Bond category and that category itself dictates that at any one time roughly between one third and two third of the fund is going to be invested in high yield bonds, hence the income focus. But what we do is manage the positions within that fund, both utilising our security selection insights and that would be similar to how we do it in SIHY, looking at things like company fundamentals, market sentiment or bond valuations and then we also look to manage the overall credit and duration within the fund in order to manage the overall return stream.
Beverly Chandler
Thank you for that, Heather. Dale I’m going to ask you, what do you think differentiates these products from other fixed income ETFs? I mean it’s been the biggest growth area of ETFs last year I think, fixed income came to the fore. But how do these products, how do they differ?
Dale Korman
Sure. At the risk of sounding too salesy or talking our book too much. Again, while we are so excited to work with Blue-Cove, they are truly the pioneer in scientific fixed income investing, which is why we’re so excited to partner with them a little north of two and a half years ago. So how they are different, they you really kind of get the best of both worlds here. You get the structural advantage of the ETF which is far more tax efficient and more cost effective than the typical mutual fund. And on top of that, I’d say the biggest benefit again, I really emphasise that actively managed approach with a scientific repeatable process. I love how Heather calls it the “quality of that return stream”. You could have a manager, and this applies to equity or fixed income, you could have a manager that has a great five-year return but if all of that return comes in one year and if the financial advisor or the clients are lucky or patient enough to hold it in that one year, great. But I do believe that the path of investment returns and sequence of returns matters. So that is something that Blue-Cove, with their process, they have really honed in on. Those would be the key things that I would emphasise that really sets SIHY and SIFI apart. And the punchline is in the performance.
Beverly Chandler
And then probably another one for you Dale is just tell me about the outlook as you see it for fixed income ETFs and SIHY and SIFI within that. Also possibly just worth mentioning that obviously the tax break on an ETF is only really applicable in the US so if anyone’s listening to this and they’re feeling very short changed, it’s because they live in the wrong continent.
Dale Korman
I don’t know if I’d say the wrong continent.
Beverly Chandler
A different continent.
Heather DeGarmo
Yeah, that’s a that’s a different podcast Beverly.
Beverly Chandler
-Laughing- Let’s get back to what we’re here to discuss. Fixed income ETFs, the outlook and how particularly these two products will fit within that.
Dale Korman
It’s a great question. I think there’s a ton of demand for both aspects of that question. The active ETF structure, if you read the industry news over the last couple of years because of a lax in some legislation a few years back, there’s been an explosion of active ETF creation and subsequent demand. And we’ve seen that within our lineup at Harbor, we’ve seen that in the industry and again clients and financial advisors really do want the best of both worlds and in a lot of cases now they can get that which is strong, repeatable, active management in the tax and cost-efficient, cost-effective wrapper which is the ETF as it relates to fixed income. I’ve been in the business close to twenty years and interest rates have essentially gone straight down over those twenty years. And especially over the last few years, looking back at COVID four years ago, interest rates were essentially zero. Over the last few years we’ve seen the income go back into fixed income, which as investors know that is the lion share of total return in a fixed income investment over its life cycle is the income component.
Beverly Chandler
And is there anything you’d like to add to that, Heather?
Heather DeGarmo
Yes, I think specifically for if we look about the funds in terms of where they’re invested and where their opportunity set is, again, SIHY, you’re going to get this is a high yield fund, you’re going to get high yield market exposure. So, you’ve made the decision that you want to buy high yield. The question is how and how do you think you can outperform the market and we think particularly and if we think about the backdrop today, as I mentioned more data, more to trade, more ability to trade, we think that speaks very well to a scientific process. But even today, as we think about default rates remaining above long-term averages and we’re seeing the lagged effects of monetary tightening work their way through, we think this creates an opportunity set for security selection within SIHY. So that ability to outperform the high yield market we think is still very much there. And then for something like SIFI, which is more of a total return focus, as I said earlier, you know, when we’re entering the potential for a rate cutting cycle, what do I do with my money? And as Dale said, you know, fixed income is finally fashionable again, having a robust income solution within the portfolio we think is particularly attractive for investors.
Beverly Chandler
So just closing points really, now. Let’s just ask you, Dale, I’d like to hear what you’re hearing from clients because you actually speak to investors so you’re the other end of the business as it were. What are you hearing?
Dale Korman
We have had some good early success with the products, especially with SIHY. I think a lot of advisors are really struggling with what to do in high yield. We’ve had a lot of really good conversations, have started to see some good flows from some of the largest financial advisors and RIAs here in the States who really have bought into this scientific process and see that Blue-Cove really is the expert and pioneer in this space. So still early stages and still a long way to go but we’re excited at the early progress and looking forward to continuing to grow them.
Beverly Chandler
Thank you for that. Is there anything you’d like to add, Heather? Feel you haven’t said? Any, am I putting you on the spot now?
Heather DeGarmo
No, not at all. I think we’re very passionate about this. I would say, if we think about the people at Blue-Cove, we’re here because we want to be here. We believe in the investment philosophy. We’ve been around for a while, we’ve been thinking about this area for a long time, and we’re really excited about the potential now as I said, to offer that complementary return stream and consistency of performance to investors, particularly against the backdrop that has changed so quickly in terms of what information is out there and what to do with it. So, we see this as a potential complement to what investors might be considering and something that we think is really a core decision for investors to consider, particularly in this environment.
Beverly Chandler
Thanks very much for that. So, thank you to my guests today, Dale Korman from Harbor Capital Advisors and Heather DeGarmo from Blue-Cove. And thank you to you for listening. Remember to subscribe and leave a review and feel free to contact us at This has been an Off the Record podcast from ETF Express brought to you in partnership with Harbor Capital Advisors.
Off the Record is brought to you by ETF Express. Production by Imogen Rostron and Lisa Hines and Music by Otto Balfour. Thank you to our guests on this episode of Off the Record from ETF Express and to you for listening. We look forward to you joining us next time.
Missed the Bull Market Resumption? 3 ETFs to Help You Build Wealth for Decades

The market’s rebound from the 2022 bear market was not only unexpected. It was also bigger than expected. S&P 500 The stock price is up 60% from the bear market low, despite no clear signs at the time that such a rally was in the works. Chances are you missed at least part of this current rally.
If so, don’t be discouraged: you’re in good company. You’re also far from financially ruined. While you can’t go back and make up for the missed opportunity, for long-term investors, the growth potential is much greater.
If you want to make sure you don’t miss the next big bull run, you might want to tweak your strategy a bit. This time around, you might try buying fewer stocks and focusing more on exchange traded funds (or ETFs), which are often easier to hold when things get tough for the overall market.
With that in mind, here’s a closer look at three very different ETFs to consider buying that could – collectively – complement your portfolio brilliantly.
Let’s start with the basics: dividend growth
Most investors naturally favor growth, choosing growth stocks to achieve that goal. And the strategy usually works. However, most long-term investors may not realize that they can get the same type of net return with boring dividend stocks like the ones held in the portfolio. Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSEMKT: VIG) which reflects the S&P US Dividend Growth Index.
As the name suggests, this Vanguard fund and its underlying index hold stocks that not only pay consistent dividends, but also have a history of consistently increasing dividends. To be included in the S&P US Dividend Growers Index, a company must have increased its dividend every year for at least the past 10 years. In most cases, however, they have been doing so for much longer.
The ETF’s current dividend yield of just under 1.8% isn’t exactly exciting. In fact, it’s so low that investors might wonder how this fund is keeping up with the broader market, let alone growth stocks. What’s being grossly underestimated here is the sheer magnitude of these stocks. dividend growthOver the past 10 years, its dividend per share has nearly doubled, and more than tripled from 15 years ago.
The reason is that solid dividend stocks generally outperform their non-dividend-paying counterparts. Calculations by mutual fund firm Hartford indicate that since 1973, S&P 500 stocks with a long history of dividend growth have averaged a single-digit annual return, compared with a much more modest 4.3% annual gain for non-dividend-paying stocks, and an average annual return of just 7.7% for an equal-weighted version of the S&P 500. The numbers confirm that there’s a lot to be said for reliable, consistent income.
The story continues
Then add capital appreciation through technology
That said, there’s no particular reason why your portfolio can’t also hold something a little more volatile than a dividend-focused holding. If you can stomach the volatility that’s sure to continue, take a stake in the Invesco QQQ Trust (NASDAQ: QQQ).
This Invesco ETF (often called the “cubes” or the triple-Q) is based on the Nasdaq-100 index. Typically, this index consists of 100 of the Nasdaq Composite IndexThe index is one of the largest non-financial indices at any given time. It is updated quarterly, although extreme imbalance situations may result in unplanned rebalancing of the index.
That’s not what makes this fund a must-have for many investors, though. It turns out that most high-growth tech companies choose to list their shares through the Nasdaq Sotck exchange rather than other exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock ExchangeNames like Apple, MicrosoftAnd Nvidia are not only Nasdaq-listed securities. They are also the top holdings of this ETF, with Amazon, Meta-platformsand Google’s parent company AlphabetThese are of course some of the highest-yielding stocks on the market in recent years.
This won’t always be the case. Just as companies like Nvidia and Apple have squeezed other names out of the index to make room for their stocks, these current names could also be replaced by other names (although it will likely be a while before that happens). It’s the proverbial life cycle of the market.
This shift, however, will likely be driven by technology companies that are offering revolutionary products and services. Owning a stake in the Invesco QQQ Trust is a simple, low-cost way to ensure you’re invested in at least most of their stocks at the perfect time.
Don’t forget indexing, but try a different approach
Finally, while Triple-Q and Vanguard Dividend Appreciation funds are smart ways to diversify your portfolio over the long term, the good old indexing strategy still works. In other words, rather than risk underperforming the market by trying to beat it, stick to tracking the long-term performance of a broad stock index.
Most investors will opt for something like the SPDR S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund (NYSEMKT:SPY), which of course mirrors the large-cap S&P 500 index. And if you already own one, great: stick with it.
If and when you have some spare cash to put to good use, consider starting a mid-cap funds as the iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF (NYSEMKT: IJH) instead. Why? Because you’ll likely get better results with this ETF than you will with large-cap index funds. Over the past 30 years, S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index significantly outperformed the S&P 500.
^MID Chart
The disparate degree of gains actually makes sense. While no one disputes the solid foundations on which most S&P 500 companies are built, they are in many ways victims of their own size: It’s hard to get bigger when you’re already big. This is in contrast to the mid-cap companies that make up the S&P 400 Mid Cap Index. These organizations have moved past their rocky, shaky early years and are just entering their era of high growth. Not all of them will survive this phase, but companies like Advanced microsystems And Super microcomputer Those that survive end up being incredibly rewarding to their patient shareholders.
Should You Invest $1,000 in iShares Trust – iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF Right Now?
Before purchasing shares of iShares Trust – iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF, consider the following:
The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team has just identified what they believe to be the 10 best stocks Investors should buy now…and the iShares Trust – iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks selected could generate monstrous returns in the years to come.
Consider when Nvidia I made this list on April 15, 2005… if you had $1,000 invested at the time of our recommendation, you would have $791,929!*
Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including portfolio construction advice, regular analyst updates, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service offers more than quadrupled the return of the S&P 500 since 2002*.
*Stock Advisor returns as of July 8, 2024
John Mackey, former CEO of Amazon’s Whole Foods Market, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, former director of market development and spokesperson for Facebook and sister of Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. James Brumley has positions in Alphabet. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Advanced Micro Devices, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Vanguard Specialized Funds – Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF. The Motley Fool recommends Nasdaq and recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a position in Advanced Micro Devices, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Vanguard Specialized Funds – Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF. The Motley Fool recommends Nasdaq and recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. disclosure policy.
Missed the Bull Market Resumption? 3 ETFs to Help You Build Wealth for Decades was originally published by The Motley Fool
This Simple ETF Could Turn $500 a Month Into $1 Million

This large-cap ETF offers investors the potential for above-market returns while minimizing risk.
It’s always inspiring to hear stories of people who invested in a company and made tons of money as the company grew and became successful. While these stories are a testament to the power of investing, they can also be misleading. That’s not because it doesn’t happen often, but because you don’t have to make a big splash on a single company to make a lot of money in the stock market.
Invest regularly in exchange traded funds (AND F) is a great way to build wealth. ETFs allow you to invest in dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of companies in a single investment. For investors looking for an ETF that can help them become millionaires, look no further than the Vanguard Growth ETFs (VUG 0.61%).
A history of outperforming the market
Since its launch in January 2004, this ETF has outperformed the market (based on S&P 500 Back), with an average total return of around 11.6%. The returns are even more impressive when looking back over the past decade, with the ETF posting an average total return of around 15.7%.
Total VUG Performance Level data by YCharts
The ETF’s past success doesn’t mean it will continue on this path, but for the sake of illustration, let’s take a middle ground and assume it averages about 13% annual returns over the long term. Averaging those returns, monthly investments of $500 could top the $1 million mark in just over 25 years.
Assuming (emphasis on the word “assume”) that the ETF continues to generate an average total return of 15.7% over the past decade, investing $500 a month could get you past $1 million in about 23 years. At an annual return of 11.6%, that would take nearly 28 years.
There is no way to predict the future performance of the ETF, but the most important thing is the power of time and Compound profit. Earning $1 million by saving alone is a difficult and unachievable task for most people. However, it becomes much more achievable if you give yourself time and make regular investments, no matter how small.
So why choose the Vanguard Growth ETF?
This ETF can offer investors the best of both worlds. On the one hand, since it only contains large cap stocksIt offers more stability and less volatility than you typically find with smaller growth stocks. At the other end, the focus on growth means it is built with the goal of outperforming the market.
Investing involves a tradeoff between risk and return, and this ETF falls somewhere in the middle for the most part. That’s not just because it only contains large-cap stocks. It’s also because large-cap stocks are leading the way. Here are the ETF’s top 10 holdings:
- Microsoft: 12.60%
- Apple: 11.51%
- Nvidia: 10.61%
- Alphabet (both share classes): 7.54%
- Amazon: 6.72%
- Meta-platforms: 4.21%
- Eli Lilly: 2.88%
- You’re here: 1.98%
- Visa: 1.72%
The Vanguard Growth ETF is not as diversified as other broad ETFs, with the top 10 holdings making up nearly 60% of the fund and the “The Magnificent Seven” with stocks accounting for about 55%. However, many of these companies (particularly mega-cap technology stocks) have been among the best performers in the stock market over the past decade and still have great growth opportunities ahead of them.
MSFT Total Return Level data by YCharts
Big tech stocks are expected to continue to see growth in areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligenceand cybersecurity; Eli Lilly will benefit from advances in biotechnologyTesla is one of the leaders in electric vehicles, which are still in the early stages of development; and Visa is expected to be one of the forerunners as the world moves toward more digital payments.
ETF concentration adds risk, especially if Microsoft, Apple or Nvidia is experiencing a slowdownBut these companies are well positioned to drive long-term growth despite any short-term setbacks that may arise. Consistent investments over time in the Vanguard Growth ETF should pay off for investors.
Randi Zuckerberg, former head of market development and spokesperson for Facebook and sister of Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Stefon Walters has positions in Apple and Microsoft. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla, Vanguard Index Funds-Vanguard Growth ETF, and Visa. The Motley Fool recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a position in shares of Apple and Microsoft. disclosure policy.
Ethereum ETFs Could Bring in $1 Billion a Month

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Kraken’s chief strategy officer Thomas Perfumo predicted that Ethereum ETFs could attract between $750 million and $1 billion in monthly investments.
“Market sentiment is being priced in. I think the market has priced in something like $750 million to $1 billion of net inflows into Ethereum ETF products each month,” Perfumo said.
In the interviewPerfumo noted that if inflows exceed expectations, it could provide strong support to the industry and potentially drive Ethereum to new record highs.
This creates positive support for the industry, if we go beyond that, note that Bitcoin was at a rate above $2.5 billion
He said
Moreover, the hype around Ethereum ETFs has already sparked some optimism among investors. After the SEC approved the 19b-4 filing, Ethereum’s price jumped 22%, attracting investment into crypto assets.
This price movement shows how sensitive the market is to regulatory changes and the growth potential once ETFs are approved.
Perfumo also highlighted other factors supporting current market sentiment, including the upcoming US elections and a potential interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. Recent US CPI data suggests disinflation on a monthly and annual basis, with some traditional firms predicting rate cuts as early as September.
These broader economic factors, combined with developments in the crypto space, are shaping the overall market outlook.
Regarding Kraken’s strategy, Perfumo highlighted the exchange’s goal of driving cryptocurrency adoption through strategic initiatives. When asked about rumors of Kraken going public, he reiterated that the company’s intention is instead to broaden cryptocurrency adoption.
Read also : Invesco, Galaxy Cut Ether ETF Fees to 0.25% in Competitive Market
Kraken Executive Expects Ethereum ETF Launch to “Lift All Boats”

Kraken Chief Strategy Officer Thomas Perfumemo said: Ethereum ETFs (ETH) could help the crypto sector while commenting on political developments in the United States.
On July 12, Perfumo told Bloomberg that spot Ethereum ETFs would attract capital flows while drawing attention to crypto, noting:
“It’s a rising tide, which lifts the whole history of the boat.”
Perfumo further explained that the final value of Ethereum “depends on the Ethereum ETF.”
He said the cryptocurrency market is “pricing in” between $750 million and $1 billion in net inflows into Ethereum products on a monthly basis, which would imply that Ethereum could reach all-time highs between $4,000 and $5,000.
Perfumo also compared expectations to Bitcoin’s all-time high in March, which he called a “silent spike” that occurred without any evidence of millions of new investors entering the industry.
Political evolution
Perfumo also commented on political developments. At the beginning of the interview, he said that the results of the US elections “will set the tone for policymaking and the legislative agenda for the next four years.”
He also stressed the importance of legislative action and clarity and noted that recent developments show bipartisan support in Congress.
The House recently voted to pass the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21) and attempted to repeal controversial SEC accounting rules with the Senate. However, the president Joe Biden Chosen to veto The resolution.
Perfume said:
“Even if you encounter obstacles at the executive level, [there’s] “There is still good progress to come.”
He added that the Republican Party appears “more pro-crypto.” [and] “more progressive” on the issue, noting Donald Trump plans to attend the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville.
Trump has also made numerous statements in support of pro-crypto policy, including at recent campaign events in Wisconsin And San Francisco.
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